Junkyard Dave’s S13 Digital Climate Control Wiring Guide

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Which write-up did you go with online? “None because none of them tell you anything useful” – Junk Yard Dave.

USPS Mail Delays Explained

Since spring 2020, the United States Postal Service (USPS) has been posting alerts on their website, reminding us that they are constantly working, and are still not operating at 100%.


What happened after America’s lockdown and throughout the summer was unfortunate and I hope that some of  the following details can clearly explain why some orders were processed in a timely manner and others weren’t.

Truth About The Type X Option

The Type X option was available in 1994, through 1998 with the facelift, new side skirts, taillights, and rear wing added in 1996.



I’m reposting this link because there are more than a few ways to dye/repaint a car’s interior and this is the most detailed way to get it done, stripping the interior completely and using airbrushes & spray guns with interior dye purchased by the quart or gallon.

Broadfield: Door Card Insert

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I have officially found the ultimate method on the S13 door cards. First thing is to get rid of the OEM vinyl covering in the insert area.



I’m living proof that if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.  I had no idea what I was getting into when I started disassembling this car and once I did, I wanted to travel back in time and start over.

Treasure Hunting: 180SX & Type-X Options


I’ve been looking at the 180SX brochures for a while now trying to find certain parts and accessories that I deemed a must-have simply because I find it challenging and it takes me out of my comfort zone into some unfamiliar territory with this restoration.

Interchangeable Parts

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Interchangeable parts are parts that are, for practical purposes, identical. They are made to specifications that ensure that they are so nearly identical that they will fit into any assembly of the same type without any custom fitting.

A Work in Progress…

Did I jump the gun on announcing the S13 dash buttons?  Well, I have some good news, some bad news and more good news.

Chuki vs Kouki

No longer googly-eyed over the kouki front bumper conversions (lies), I’ve come to fully embrace the Chuki aka sharknose bumper because honestly, priorities lol.

Wiring, What I learned

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Since the head unit article was published, I’ve had a few questions about wiring a later model Nissan stock radio into the S13 without cutting the stock harness.

College Saved Me $7k in Parts


My 240SX sat in the driveway for a few months before I was able to do any modifications to it and then parked for a year and a half before I decided to register for an automotive class at a nearby junior college. A decision I wish I had made sooner

New Home: Body Repair Updates


Wanting to restore a car and actually having the time, space, and tools to do it are two different things. Fortunately I’ve recently gained access to a full service collision repair garage with the necessary tools to prepare the body for a proper paint job.. 

Who Needs Parts?

I know some people don’t have salvaged 240’s in their area. I’ve fortunately come across six of them. (update 08/18/2019) The S13/S14 photos are over a 2 years old, so most of the interior parts have been stripped. The cars are sitting on the ground with no wheels. Gas tanks, fenders and engines are gone […]

Reviving Faded Switches

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Worn out car parts such as rusted panels, seat belts, and weatherstrip are non-negotiable and require replacing while some parts just need a little TLC.

Touch Screen & Apple CarPlay in the 240SX?

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“It’s a damn shame putting bullsh*it like that on a classic. You may as well slap neon lights on it.” – Luke Hobbs, Agent, Diplomatic Security Service.

The Little Things

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The road trips and daily driving I plan to do in this car requires the interior to be comfortable as well as attractive, so It’s a must to do some upgrades.  

Rust Removal


Rust is car cancer and sadly a necessary evil when it comes to older cars, so I knew eventually I would find some if I dug deep enough. Once I started disassembling the front end I uncovered rusted bolts, brackets and the infamous battery tray area.

Interior Dye & Paint

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The interior is by far going to be the easiest and one of the more satisfying parts of the project because it’s where I’ll be spending most of my time while driving.

Part Sourcing


The first thing I did after getting the hatchback home was a walk-around. I pretty much had an idea of what I was going to modify, but I had no clue what I was going to find once I started disassembling it. This is where I learned the difference between the “want list” and the “reality list”.

SEM Exterior Trim Paint

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Restoring the exterior trim vs replacing it was an easy decision because it was just faded. This was also the perfect opportunity to try SEM’s Trim Black to see how well it performs.

The First Mod


Overthinking is something I often do and I found myself staring at the car trying to figure out what to do first, then I realized there’s no blueprint to this.

Why Am I Restoring This Car?


When I was a kid my dad introduced me to monster truck shows and drag races. At home, I built legos, model cars, and planes while he restored old Chevys.

First Things First

Edited: 07/26/2020 My motives with this blog are simply to document my projects and pass on what I learn to anyone who takes the time to read about them. The store that may or may not be active on this blog is a result of requests I’ve received for certain items I’ve fabricated or designed for my projects.