Junkyard Dave’s S13 Digital Climate Control Wiring Guide

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Which write-up did you go with online? “None because none of them tell you anything useful” – Junk Yard Dave.

Broadfield: Door Card Insert

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I have officially found the ultimate method on the S13 door cards. First thing is to get rid of the OEM vinyl covering in the insert area.

Reviving Faded Switches

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Worn out car parts such as rusted panels, seat belts, and weatherstrip are non-negotiable and require replacing while some parts just need a little TLC.

Touch Screen & Apple CarPlay in the 240SX?

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“It’s a damn shame putting bullsh*it like that on a classic. You may as well slap neon lights on it.” – Luke Hobbs, Agent, Diplomatic Security Service.

The Little Things

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The road trips and daily driving I plan to do in this car requires the interior to be comfortable as well as attractive, so It’s a must to do some upgrades.  

Interior Dye & Paint

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The interior is by far going to be the easiest and one of the more satisfying parts of the project because it’s where I’ll be spending most of my time while driving.